toddler napping while transitioning from 3 daily naps to 2

The Ultimate Guide to the 3 to 2 Nap Transition for Your Baby’s Sleep Routine

As a fellow mom, I know that transitions can be tough, especially when it comes to sleep. One transition that many parents face is the 3 to 2 nap transition. This transition happens when your baby is ready to move from three naps a day to two. The 3 to 2 nap transition is a…

blonde baby with no eyebrows

When Do Babies Get Eyebrows? What to Expect and How to Care for Them

As a new mom (or a soon-to-be-mom!), you may have noticed that your little one didn’t have eyebrows when they were born. And maybe they still don’t have eyebrows! And then you might be wondering: “Do babies have eyebrows?!”  Don’t worry – this is totally normal! Most newborns don’t develop visible eyebrows until they are…

baby doing tummy time with pacifier nearby

The 5 Best Pacifier Alternatives for Your Baby that Might Surprise You!

There’s no doubt that pacifiers are a life-saver for many parents. Babies need comforting items and objects to help them feel secure and happy. And when it comes to soothing babies, pacifiers seem to be the go-to items. But what if you don’t want to use one? Or what if your baby doesn’t like pacifiers?…

sleeping baby with very long and thick eyelashes

When Do Babies Get Eyelashes? What to Expect and How to Care for Them

Baby eyelashes. Is there anything better than to look down on your sleeping baby and gaze lovingly at those long eyelashes? Sweeping their cheeks as they dream peacefully? And is there any mom that isn’t jealous of their baby’s eyelashes? Especially as most of us are going through postpartum hair loss? But when do babies…

toddler boy bending over and looking through legs and smiling

Baby Bending Over and Looking Through Legs? Here’s One Surprising Theory

You are playing with your baby or toddler on the floor and suddenly, they bend over and look at you through their legs. They giggle and laugh and do it again! What could this possibly mean?! First, you are so impressed with their flexibility. Because let’s be real: when was the last time you could…

2 little girls playing together with dinosaur toys

The Ultimate Guide to Toy Rotation: How to Spark Imagination and Decrease Boredom

What do you do when toys you’ve spent hard-earned dollars on seem to be reduced to room clutter? The toy industry generated 90.7 billion dollars in revenue globally in 2019. Various sources estimate parent spending on toys per child to be between $200 and $400. This can add up fast! Your child has a countless…